Category Archives: Brain Slaves

Praise For Brain Slaves

John Atlas, writing on has given a  great review to Brain Slaves. Here are some quotes:

A “Hunger Games” Young Adult Novel About Education, ClassBrainSlaves cover 180 px.jpg

“As Stephen Colbert once put it, “A young adult novel is a regular novel that people actually read.” I don’t know if that’s true, but I have come across one young adult novel that I think you actually will want to read – Brain Slaves by Montclair resident Richie Chevat.

“In some ways it’s in the same mold as the best-selling Hunger Games or Divergent series, except Brain Slaves is extremely well written, the story is at once less bloody and more compelling and the characters and setting are more realistic. It’s a slightly futuristic dystopian adventure with a teenage heroine, but the real themes of the book are class, inequality, education, access to knowledge, corporate influence and control of technology. Sounds like a lot, but it’s a really good read.”The premise is that in the near future there has been some sort of unspecified economic collapse and the Internet, computers and other advanced technologies are only available to the wealthy. Everyone else is living in a sort of 1950’s existence but in very reduced circumstances. The big exception is education, which has been completely automated and digitalized. Kids are collected once a week by police-like “attendance monitors” who bring them to school where they are plugged directly into the “Net” to have lessons downloaded into their brains. They have no choice over their course of study and when they are done, the “educators” give them a certificate that specifies the jobs for which they are now qualified.”

You can read the entire review on NJ.COM

And of course, you can buy Brain Slaves on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, Kobo and Smashwords.

You can read the first chapter free at

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